Leading Worship as a Background Vocalist
“As a background vocalist you have the opportunity to lead by simply being a great example of a worshipper for the congregation to see.”
Dwell Richly
“There is a vast difference between someone who comes to worship and someone who comes worshipping.”
Creativity in Emotional Extremes
“Often our best creativity comes from the extreme emotions that we work so hard to avoid.”
Are You Ready?
“Great preparation moves things from your head to your hands and then into your heart.”
Your (Stage) Presence Matters!
“A stage full of worshippers invites the room to worship. A stage full of musicians invites the room to watch.”
Where The Connections Happen
My daughter loves for me to build castles with her out of blocks that are stored in a big bag. There are quite a few blocks in this bag, but […]
Reasoning Creativity
Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist”, and I believe that to be true. I’ve watched my own kids explore creativity in numerous ways throughout their short lives.
What To Do With Talent The Church Can’t Use
There are some seriously talented individuals in this world. If you don’t think so just check out the latest round of budding young singers, musicians on youtube.
Worship and the Ministry of Reconciliation
The entire story of scripture is God reconciling His children to himself. It’s the story of God redeeming us and putting us back in the place we were created for, […]