Devotional: Everything In It’s Right Place
“The opportunities we have to worship together as the church are fantastic times when we collectively get to remind ourselves of what is central and what is peripheral.”
Devotional: Worship Work
“We can’t ask for the favor of the Lord and not do our part to work as hard as we can.”
Choosing The Right Songs Pt. 3
“It’s not about selecting songs that serve musicians, it’s about selecting songs that inspire musicians to serve…”
Jesus Changed Worship
“Worship personally, worship closely, and worship always. Jesus paid the price and changed the way we worship forever.”
Holiness, Brokenness, and Hope: The Cycle of Deeper Worship
“Deeper worship has more to do with our personal pursuit than it does a style or a method.”
The Value of Fresh Songs
“Fresh songs are important to the church and the mix or balance of fresh and familiar will likely be different for every congregation, but it’s important that we find the […]